In Mundo-J

A lunch break in the European district

Ideally located between Belliard Street and Meeûs Square, our restaurant in Mundo-j is perfect for a gourmet and healthy lunch break. We have a bright room with large windows overlooking the street. All our preparations can be eaten on site or to take away.

The restaurant is located on the ground floor of the Mundo-j center, initially initiated by organizations active in the youth sector. In this eco-renovated building about thirty actors for social change (non-profit, NGO, social economy …) gathered under the same roof, with a number of communal facilities.

Restaurant in Mundo-J: A lunch break in the European district

Restaurant in Mundo-J

10 rue de l’Industrie
1000 Bruxelles

Address, opening hours & contact

10 rue de l’Industrie
1000 Brussels

Mondag > Friday
09:00 > 16:00

02 894 46 67

More information about Mundo-j centre on

Further information

  • Payment: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Debit Card, meal vouchers
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Access for people with reduced mobility
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch, Afternoon tea, Coffee break
  • Catering service & Take-away
Restaurant in Mundo-J: Further information
Restaurant in Mundo-J: Take-away service

Take-away service

All our dishes can be taken away.
Our packaging is biodegradable and recyclable. However, in order to promote waste reduction, we offer you a 5% discount on your bill if you bring your own containers.

Photo Gallery

Info, orders & reservations / 02 894 46 67