In Mundo-B

A green oasis in the city

At a stone’s throw from Porte de Namur, we offer you a calm and relaxing space, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. A large bright room with large windows overlooking the garden, a large terrace and a green garden are at your disposal for a good moment of relaxation.
The room has 60 seats. The garden and terrace are sunny around mid-day during the spring-summer period, therefore ideal for a lunch or a coffee break with your feet in the grass. We also have umbrellas, shaded areas and deckchairs in the summer.

This restaurant space is located in the Mundo-b center, a project launched by a group of NGOs who wished to ecologically renovate a building in the center of Brussels in order to settle their offices as well as meeting & conference rooms. Our restaurant is located on the ground floor at the back of the building.

Restaurant in Mundo-B: A green oasis in the city

Restaurant in Mundo-B

26 rue d’Edimbourg
1050 Ixelles

Address, opening hours & contact

26 rue d’Edimbourg
1050 Ixelles

Monday > Friday
08:00 > 18:00

02 894 46 67

More information about Mundo-b centre on

Further information

  • Payment: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Debit Card, Meal Vouchers
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Access for people with reduced mobility
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch, Afternoon tea, Coffee break
  • Catering service
  • Delivery & take-away service
  • Space can be rented (see Catering service)
  • Large terrace
  • Large garden
Restaurant in Mundo-B: Further information
Restaurant à Mundo-B: Take-away service

Take-away service

All our dishes can be taken away.
Our packaging is biodegradable and recyclable. However, in order to promote waste reduction, we offer you a 5% discount on your bill if you bring your own containers.

Photo gallery

Info, orders & reservations / 02 894 46 67